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A series of blogs by  Shanna Forrestall of Forrestall Consulting. 

Happy Holidays
Shanna Forrestall in a couture gown by Chau Chic Designs

I saw this quote yesterday and it really spoke to me.

“You must not feel guilty for what has been done to us. Only the strong go crazy. The weak just go along.” - Assata Shakur

This morning I woke up thinking about how we can find the happy in the holidays.

hap·py - /ˈhapē/

adjective: happy; comparative adjective: happier; superlative adjective: happiest; suffix: -happy
1. feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.

We throw around the phrase “Happy Holidays” casually, because it’s what we want - for us and for others - but for many the holidays are one of the hardest times of the year.

For some reason the season of “bright and merry” makes us focus on the ideals that we dreamed of instead of our current and often disappointing reality.

But, the truth is that if we look closely through the haze of our pain, trauma, past and PTSD we can always still find some happy.

Happy is not about perfection or having everything just like we planned. It’s about allowing ourselves to experience the pleasure available to us and in choosing contentment with what is.

I know that we shouldn’t pretend that the pain and suffering of life doesn’t exist, but what if we intentionally choose to set it aside for a moment and to focus with gratitude on the gifts of the present.

Who and what can I be grateful for? Who and what can I enjoy right now? What love, joy and peace can I create in this moment for me and those around me?

If we all did this at the same time I think that we could have peace in earth. It may only last a few moments but we would know that it’s possible, and that may help us get through one more year.

Wherever you are - I wish you the strength to reach for your Happy Holidays.

With all of the love I can gift you today, and smiling thru tears,


Courture Gown by Chau Chic Designs of New Orleans.

Photo by Easton Engbrock shot at the beautiful Old 77 Hotel in New Orleans, LA.